
export class ComponentInstruction

exported from angular2/router defined in angular2/src/router/instruction.ts (line 287)

A ComponentInstruction represents the route state for a single component. An Instruction is composed of a tree of these ComponentInstructions.

ComponentInstructions is a public API. Instances of ComponentInstruction are passed to route lifecycle hooks, like CanActivate.

ComponentInstructions are You should never construct one yourself with "new." Instead, rely on RouteRecognizer to construct ComponentInstructions.

You should not modify this object. It should be treated as immutable.


constructor(urlPath: string, urlParams: string[], data: RouteData, componentType: any, terminal: boolean, specificity: string, params?: {[key: string]: any})

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reuse : boolean

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routeData : RouteData

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urlPath : string

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urlParams : string[]

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terminal : boolean

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specificity : string

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params : {[key: string]: any}

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