
export directive NgFormControl

exported from angular2/common defined in angular2/src/common/forms/directives/ng_form_control.ts (line 28)

Binds an existing Control to a DOM element.

Example (live demo)

In this example, we bind the control to an input element. When the value of the input element changes, the value of the control will reflect that change. Likewise, if the value of the control changes, the input element reflects that change.

@Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div> <h2>NgFormControl Example</h2> <form> <p>Element with existing control: <input type="text" [ngFormControl]="loginControl"></p> <p>Value of existing control: {{loginControl.value}}</p> </form> </div> `, directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES, FORM_DIRECTIVES] }) export class App { loginControl: Control = new Control(''); }


We can also use ngModel to bind a domain model to the form.

Example (live demo)

@Component({ selector: "login-comp", directives: [FORM_DIRECTIVES], template: "<input type='text' [ngFormControl]='loginControl' [(ngModel)]='login'>" }) class LoginComp { loginControl: Control = new Control(''); login:string; }




ng-form-control bound to NgFormControl.form

ng-model bound to NgFormControl.model


ng-model-change bound to NgFormControl.update

Exported As



                /* Array<Validator|Function> */ any[], _asyncValidators:
                /* Array<Validator|Function> */ any[], valueAccessors: ControlValueAccessor[])

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form : Control

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update : EventEmitter

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model : any

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viewModel : any

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ngOnChanges(changes: {[key: string]: SimpleChange}) : void

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path : string[]

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validator : Function

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asyncValidator : Function

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control : Control

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viewToModelUpdate(newValue: any) : void

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