
export class TestComponentBuilder

exported from angular2/testing defined in angular2/src/testing/test_component_builder.ts (line 83)

Builds a ComponentFixture for use in component level tests.




constructor(_injector: Injector)

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overrideTemplate(componentType: Type, template: string) : TestComponentBuilder

Overrides only the html of a ComponentMetadata. All the other properties of the component's ViewMetadata are preserved.

overrideView(componentType: Type, view: ViewMetadata) : TestComponentBuilder

Overrides a component's ViewMetadata.

overrideDirective(componentType: Type, from: Type, to: Type) : TestComponentBuilder

Overrides the directives from the component ViewMetadata.

overrideProviders(type: Type, providers: any[]) : TestComponentBuilder

Overrides one or more injectables configured via providers metadata property of a directive or component. Very useful when certain providers need to be mocked out.

The providers specified via this method are appended to the existing providers causing the duplicated providers to be overridden.

overrideBindings(type: Type, providers: any[]) : TestComponentBuilder

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overrideViewProviders(type: Type, providers: any[]) : TestComponentBuilder

Overrides one or more injectables configured via providers metadata property of a directive or component. Very useful when certain providers need to be mocked out.

The providers specified via this method are appended to the existing providers causing the duplicated providers to be overridden.

overrideViewBindings(type: Type, providers: any[]) : TestComponentBuilder

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createAsync(rootComponentType: Type) : Promise<ComponentFixture>

Builds and returns a ComponentFixture.